Reportsystem’s Financial Controlling Module

Infosistem is developing a modular application that will enable banks to have a significantly better view of their business in a way that they will be able to make faster and better decisions.


The purpose of this module is the speed of internal reporting and a clear and direct insight into the financial position of the bank at the same time as the CNB sees it, and in the way the CNB sees it.

The application uses the latest reporting records located in the CNB and offers a clear and comprehensive overview to the bank’s management in which direction the bank’s financial flows are moving.

The data shown for the most recent date uses the values ​​of the last report records contained in the CNB. The data displayed for any previous period corresponds to the records current for that period. Data coverage refers to the current and previous three years.

The bank’s management can select different dates in the Reportsystem’s interface for which financial statements are prepared and get an overview of all dimensions of the statement record from the application.

Different bank sectors (Retail, Corporate, Risk, Finance, etc.) can get their data and their positions immediately, no additional work of Reporting or Controlling is required – i.e., sending multiple reports or wasting time on different Excel databases.

Features of the financial control module of the Reportsystem application:

  • The bank’s balance sheet is fully visible from several sides and can be searched (segments, currencies, currency clause, type of receivables / type of liability, risk group, counties, etc.) and consequently quickly broken down by many factors and extracted into pdf, Excel or some other format. The application is interactive and has the ability to select a large number of factors.
  • The maturity structure of the balance sheet can be searched by different time series of residual maturities, types of segments, currencies, risk groups, products, etc., and very quickly each sector can see the discrepancies between assets and liabilities at the lowest record levels. The data is interactive and can be extracted very quickly into the required formats. Sectors can manage the remaining maturity, liquidity of their parts at the overall level and at the level of each individual currency and immediately compare it with other dates, all in a few seconds.
  • Overdue uncollected receivables of method I and method II according to the CNB are visible on two separate dashboards for all record dimensions. Bank sectors can see each of their receivables, time dimensions, maturities, product types. This way each sector can prepare a quality portfolio management in their domain and set future goals.
  • NPL interface very clearly and in detail displays NPL / PL by segments and other bases and each sector of the bank can quickly make portfolio management decisions.
  • All KPIs that are current for banking operations are on a special dashboard, and it is very easy to move through the history of KPIs that are crucial for the bank’s operations. Each manager retrieves their data in the application, which are all independently displayed, hence faster processed, and use less time.
  • RDG is specially disaggregated by positions and all elements offered by the reporting RA record. A manager or analyst searches for syllable elements and quickly obtains clear data.
  • Average interest rates of segments at the overall level and at the level of each currency, i.e. currency clause, are in a separate interface. The Bank quickly sees the level of average interest rates by segments, currencies, and different time dimensions.

Reportsystem also contains a number of predetermined reports and offers a possibility to contract additional reports in accordance with the specific needs of the bank.

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